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The Passion Behind the Church

Associate Minister

Favorite Bible Verse: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighted in his way.” - Psalm 37:23

Family Life: Married to Laura (24 Years) with 2 daughters, Faith and Deidre. 

Fun Fact: Accepted call in the ministry on December 17, 2000 and preached first sermon on February 11, 2001. 

Pastor’s Note: I enjoy working with and assisting my Pastor and Rev. Witherspoon and will continue joyfully working here at New Hope until God assigns me to my next pastoral mission to accomplish for Him. To God be the Glory. 

Rev. Marshall Magee, Jr.


Favorite Bible Verse: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." – Romans 8:28
Family Life: Enjoy spending time with son Israel, and immediate family and church family as well.
Fun Fact: Remembering that God is in control of every situation.
Pastor’s Note: Always pray before and after trials and tribulations.


Rev. Henry C. Witherspoon

Associate Minister

Favorite Bible Verse: "Moreover, whom did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." – Romans 8:30.
Family Life: With my wife, Sister. L.G. Witherspoon, we are parents of three lovely daughters, Kimberly, Fallon and Madisyn and the proud grandparents of Ethan, who we love dearly.

Fun Fact: Sharing the good news of the gospel isn't simply a suggestion. It's a command that Jesus set out for us: to be the catalyst for eternal heart change in our neighbors and throughout the world as we share God's Word with others.
Pastor’s Note: The vision at New Hope is to share the love of Jesus Christ by making disciples in our community and the greater Jackson area.


Rev. Delon Dillion, Jr

Associate Minister

Favorite Bible Verse: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighted in his way.” - Psalm 37:23

Family Life: Married to Laura (24 Years) with 2 daughters, Faith and Deidre. 

Fun Fact: Accepted call in the ministry on December 17, 2000 and preached first sermon on February 11, 2001. 

Pastor’s Note: I enjoy working with and assisting my Pastor and Rev. Witherspoon and will continue joyfully working here at New Hope until God assigns me to my next pastoral mission to accomplish for Him. To God be the Glory. 


Rev. Frederick Henderson

Associate Minister

Favorite Bible Verse:  John 3:16
Family Life: Married to my amazing wife, Deloris Henderson. We have a son, Raymond Henderson, and daughter, La Cora Henderson.

Fact: Carpenter by trade
Pastor’s Note:  Called by God in 1992. I was mentored at New Generation Church in 2007, where I was called as an associate minister by Pastor Joel Parks of Norfolk, Virginia.

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